Microsoft Edge
At least version 14.0 required to run Wings NG
For a better performance and stability please update to the latest version.
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Wings supports minimum Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE) version 10.0. Any version below is not supported and won't run Wings NG.
For a better performance and stability, MSIE 10 (in Windows XP), MSIE 10 (in Windows Vista and 7) or MSIE 10 (in Windows 8) is recommended.
Known Issues:
Compatibility View Settings for IE10 and later:
Please remove the option to display intranet web sites in compatibility view.
To do this: Click Tools > Compatibility
View Settings in the main menu. On the dialog window, remove any address related to Wings and uncheck "Display
intranet sites in Compatibility View" option.
Internet Explorer displays intranet sites in compatibility view by default even the website is compatible with the latest versions. This behaviour causes inconsistencies when the web page requests to be rendered in the latest version available, while it's being rendered in previous versions. This might cause visual defects in the application.
Google Chrome
At least Google Chrome version 10 is required to run Wings NG.
Compatability with the previous versions are not tested and they are not recommended.
Known Issues:
- When report files (PDF files) are displayed inside Wings NG, you might not be able to scroll
through the document if you are using Chrome'e default PDF
viewer. If that's the case try to use Adobe Acrobat Reader instead.
To change this setting:
Type chrome://plugins to the address bar and hit enter. On the plugins list, disable
Chrome PDF Viewer, and enable Adobe Reader plugin. If Adobe Reader is not listed, please download
Adobe Acrobat Reader at:
Buggy Versions (Avoid using them):
- Any subversion of 24.
Caching problems:
- Google Chrome is more robust than others browsers in terms of web page caching. It caches web pages in order to display them faster when they are revisited. Sometimes this behaviour might cause problems, especially after Wings updates. If you notice a strange visual problem or behaviour please try to empty the cache of your browser first. You can hit Ctrl + Shift + Delete buttons on the keyboard at the same time to open cache dialog, or select Tools > Clear Browsing Data from main menu.
Mozilla Firefox
Minimum Mozilla Firefox 3.6 is required for Wings NG.
For a better performance and stability please update to the latest version.
Apple Safari
At least version 5.0 is required to run Wings NG.
Opera 10 minimum is required to run Wings NG.
KDE Konqueror
At least version 5.0 is required to run Wings NG.
Unsupported Browser
The browser you use is not supported or needs an upgrade. Please use one of the recommended browsers to run Wings NG or upgrade your browser.